Our Values


           We guarantee that our products are in good quality, simply means zero defects. We offer competitive prices that would encourage customers to purchase.
            In line with this, To assure our shoppers a peace of mind, we offer 30-days moneyback guarantee on all our products that they are genuine and of good quality. We understand that having one unsatisfied customer also means losing 10 or more potential customers.


        Any customers’ information available shall be kept confidential. We will not disclose, share, transfer, sell or rent personally identifiable information to any third party.We promise that this is a shop you can trust.
        We aim for a 100% customer satisfaction.

'Unlimited' Stocks

        We have agreement our with local supplier to purchase their goods on an adhoc basis and to retail them at prevailing retail price. We have to self-collect the purchase from our suppliers.

Ship out within a day

            We will ship out orders within 24 business hours as soon as there is confirmation of your payment. This is because our supplier are located merely less than 15 minutes drive away in MSU-IIT where our business is situated.

Low Overheads

        We don't require any warehousing facility. We don't require a physical storefront as we operate solely online. With these saving, we gladly offer you good price and excellent customer service and followup.

Low Shipping Charges

        For local orders, we absorb the cost for free delivery. For both domestic and international orders, we offer lowcost airmail shipping, rarely seen online because this would require a trip to the post office. But we don't mind doing this. We charge the exact shipping charges that our delivery service agent would charge us. No shipping and handling fees and no hidden costs.

More Shipping Options

            We offer worldwide courier services by FedEx, JRS Express and LBC as well as Air21 for domestic orders.
For delivery, we guarantee that the ordered products will arrive to their destination depending on the standard delivery schedule of our certified delivery courier partners (exclusive in Iligan City). Rest assured that it will arrive to you in good condition. Prior to being sent out, we see to it that each shipment is quality inspected.



Our Overheads

Indeed, Operating online is not without its overheads and setbacks. Here are our overheads:


            We do our best in trying answering any inquiry coming from you. If the customer do not understand our reply, we will make sure to rephrase it in the most understandable terms. Try explaining how to purchase online by email.

Shipping of Orders

        We spend considerable time packing the orders for shipment, free of charge. We absorb the cost of the box and other packing materials, including postage for local orders. In contrast to retail sales, customer simply pick up the items and pay at the cashier counter.


Concerns for Online Shopping

Calculatorsforsale, Ltd. understands the fear and frustrations of online shopping. Following are our resolution and assurance on these major issues:


        We need your email address for communication purposes, all other information are optional. We do not prompt or save your Credit Card details. We do not sell user information for profits. We do not disclose your information to a third party, unless required by Law or by some central auditing bodies.

Shipping Rates

        International shoppers may be wary of high shipping charges. This will not be the case as Calculatorsforsale,Ltd. do not profit from shipping charges.